Friday, November 28, 2008
I was in the bus, on the right side of it, talking on my cell phone. The bus turned left at Ratakatu, I looked casually through my window while talking, and I saw a truck coming towards us. It just did not feel right to me... next moment, the truck appeared bigger... for a moment I could not understand what I heard through my phone... the truck appeared really big... I think I took a long quick breath, I could feel adrenaline pump with a tremendous rush, I could feel my hair on the neck standing... and something rushing through my backbone... I saw the truck hit right in front me and a nasty crashing sound and then glass breaking sound!!!

The bus stopped and I felt I was Ok and a quick look told me everyone was OK in the bus!!

But I felt worry about the truck driver.. I tried to take a look through the window

I was on this side of the bus, where it hit

The bus door was broken !!

This glass window is completely broken. I talked with the lady who was seating there,
she said she was fine, except her bags and jacket pockets were full of glass pieces.

Police, ambulance and fire brigade arrived! We were told to stay in the bus.

We were told no one was seriously hurt. They collected everyone's name.

Here is what I found after I got down from the bus. Here you can see the bus hit the car...
I think after hitting the truck, the bus hit the car, I am not sure...
The truck in on the right top.. the white one!
But I am quite sure someone broke the traffic signal, because it happened right when the bus turned left !! Someone was on the wrong place !!

I found the people who were inside the red car. The kid was quite much shocked.
But luckily I found no one hurt!

One of the firemen told me to wait, some bus/vehicle would pick us up. After waiting a while, I noticed almost all of the passengers had already walked away. So I told them, if it was ok to leave.

Fewh... well, luckily no one was seriously hurt and I am perfectly alright (except I lost one of my gloves) !!

Final comment, the emergency was handled very well, no body paniced much, except one lady was crying in complete panic !! Most of the people in the bus were very calm and stayed almost quietly. The bus driver first asked if everyone was ok and then told to stay where we were, and he called the emergency through his phone right away.

But one thing that I must say, there were at least 5 foreigners in the bus, and I believe 4 of them did not understand or speak any Finnish and none of the fire fighters / ambulance guys spoke in English. One nice Indian lady translated what they were saying. In the end, the emergency guys started speaking 'some' English, but I think, when they clearly notice some brown colored guys, who 'may not' understand Finnish, they should also instruct in English!! Anyways, no offense :)

Here is the map where it happened:

View Larger Map

- Mazed
(I think the accident happened at around 8:59, 28 November 2008)


Here is another picture from someone else(source :
Check out the scratches on the body of the bus!!
Luckily and strangely the windows where I sat, were perfectly intact, even though the windows behind me (check the very last window) and infront of me were shattered!!

I was caught on camera too, in greenish jacket.. left side, with a shoulder bag (Source
Oh, check out the front bottom corner of the bus.


posted by Gagan at 11/28/2008 10:07:00 AM | Permalink |


  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Gagan

    More pictures here

  • At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    I liked the title most. Thank God.