Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Kuuuu jhik jhik..
All the stories I have been fan of ( including Harry Potter), the trains were all like that.

But the one I am in right now, is not. Yet I am loving it.

Shup and Kate dropped me here, (how come my family here wont come to see me off:) )
From outside the train window... Poor katy :(
I m gonna miss her...surely.. a lot
( Cant imagine how much fun it would be if she was in my ceremony)

Kate made four special huuuge sandwitched for me. Nicely packed. This is the first time I am taking food somewhere from home. I have them in my bag, enough for the entire day.

Right now the train is going through some green forests. Unfortunately the trees are almost alike... but yet I am loving it.

I am sure I am going to the enjoy the 6 hours of train journey.


hmm.. I am sitting next to the emergency exit. See the hammer? ( On top of the window...left). U r supposed to grab it and hit the red spot on the window to smash it down and run out just like the sticker suggests.
posted by Gagan at 8/01/2007 06:33:00 PM | Permalink |


  • At 6:20 AM, Blogger geteamon

    I am waiting :)

  • At 7:18 PM, Blogger karim.e

    Hey buddy, Enjoy the journey home and everything after that :) Thanks a lot for being so nice and helping me settle down in Oulu. I can already feel your absence here. Take care!

  • At 8:49 PM, Blogger Gagan

    waiting is almost over Eamon:)

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger Gagan

    Hello to Enayet from Abu Dhabi. Miss me..miss me.. i feel proud to hear that..haha..
    Anyways, dont worry, i m sure u will find some other things to enjoy the stay.