Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I think I have told you before what is frost bite. Those who forgot, imagine what happens when u touch fire, cells are burnt, they die, and the skin becomes black bcoz of the dead cells.

Extreme cold can kill ur cells too, effect is the same, dead cells..the result is called frost bite.

I asked people here many times, how do I know if I am having it or not? When should I really run for a warm place ? They said, you will know it, you will feel the pain.

Friday night ( 23 Feb ) , when I went to bathroom to wash my hand, I almost jumped out !! My hands felt like burnt !

How the hell did it happen? When? I didnt skate or do any sports outside??

And I discovered reddish black spots on my hands !! Frost bites !! Crap !!
I didnt feel anything !

Finally I have discovered how it happened.
It happened at the daytime.
I called my sister when I was on the street. It was not so cold, I cant remember the temparature, but I was not feeling so cold. To press the numbers I took off my gloves, and continued talking in bare handed. I was feeling cold in my hand, not so serious.

Then I was probably enjoying talking with my mom, then dad, then uncles, and aunts and the cousins ( there were a loooot of ppl there), I forgot abt my hand.

When I cut the connection off, I was feeling really cold in hand, but not so painful, just cold...well in the meantime I had frostbite!!
And I carried it without noticing until I touched water.

I just hope the marks will disappear in time!
posted by Gagan at 2/27/2007 12:25:00 PM | Permalink |