Thursday, November 23, 2006
( Click on an Image to see in full size)


well this was first ever compilation. It took me 34 shots to finally get this.. I think i managed to get the refection, lighting, the clock on focus, and the calendar out of focus..
Taken manually, Shutter speed 1/13sec, Aperture F2.6, ISO 200,Focal length 52mm, Flash off.

I am not going to describe this way for later pics. If you are interested, go to my album, link is given at the end of this page, download a pic, and check propertis of the file...all the settings that I have set to the picture will be available there..and unless i mention, no image processing software has been used..

One interesting thing.. I tried to take the same pic in Auto mode.. hehe.. it was a disaster, it assumed it is too dark, so it flashed..also the calendar came into focus and no reflection of the clock appeared..

Lighting 1

Lighting 2


"I wish I could write you ALL with my pen"

Also here is the album slide show... "Around my life"
The album's link is available on the rightside bar you check whenever u want !!

posted by Gagan at 11/23/2006 12:49:00 AM | Permalink |


  • At 6:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Congratulations Bhaiya
    i dont know why, but i also felt happy when i saw u holding the camera.
    may b it assured me that from now on, ur posts would me more detailed as not only ur words but also the pictures would almost take us to u in Finland to enjoy everything together.
    well i liked the "Lighting 1" picture most.the lighting and focusing was really brilliant.