Sunday, March 25, 2007
It is over 150 days, days without the smell of my home.

I changed a lot during this time, ppl change.
But the most obvious changes are probably the habbits.
Yet, I dont want to loose myself being a "kid".

Today after a refreshing volyball game, I came home, threw myself on the chair, next to the mirror. I looked to my right, and I found there a boy, that seemed to be a little unknown.

I kept staring at him...through the mirror.
It was still looking like a kid, but not much as I used to know..
the eyes were the same, still they had more depth than i knew..
there were not much silly smile was on the face !!
He was thinking more rational... I could not find much of spongebob in the whole appearance !

I am not homesick. It's not the reason I am writing this.

For a while, I have just lost my purpose.
I have started running a long time before, I am running still..
But suddenly I m feeling like I forgot why and when I started running.. it is already a looong time I have been running..
May be i m a little tired and that's why I cannot remember where am I supposed to go.

Well, I m still running !

And I m still throwing sweet candies to my fellow runners when they seem tired.
I am still throwing the same to the ppl i dont know, in case they cheer up themselves and give me back a smile.

Of course, sometimes, I just loose my candies, some ppl just take it and never understand or thank, some ppl even ignore it and throw it away, what a wastage. and Of course, some are still with me, even if I dont give candies often. They are not many, but who needs many of them?

I am still running.. I dont care much about the candies. Coz i can make candies, different flavors for different ppl, almost all of which are sweet ( I find it easier than making some bitter or sour ones), sometimes I make bigger, sometimes smaller, sometimes it takes me months to make a special one for someone special, sometimes i make it really fast skipping others', when someone badly needs some sweet.

I think i will keep throwing my candies.

Coz, I m still running!
posted by Gagan at 3/25/2007 01:19:00 AM | Permalink |


  • At 10:16 AM, Blogger Doyita

    We dont throw candies expecting them back rite buddy? so even if some are wasted, smile and throw more, done regret over it, bcoz unlike candies, feelings are never wasted:)

  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger Gagan
